Acrylic on glass, printed photos, blown glass terrarium (by laub) housing living silkworms, mulberry leaves, ceramic, epoxy resin, mulberry plant
Variable height x 59 x 29.5 in
Atomic figure (after C.H. Stratz ), 2015
Brass tubing, wooden balls, acrylic
60 x 12 x 14.5 in
Acrylic on glass, printed photos, dolomite, taxidermy iguana with Chromium(III) Potassium Sulfate crystals, ceramic fragments, epoxy resin, dried plant material
49.25 x 59 x 29.5 in
Acrylic on glass, printed photos, Trametes versicolor (Turkey Tail) fungus, Hericium erinaceus (Lion’s mane) fungus, ceramic, plastic, Chinese bootleg Nirvana cassette tape liner notes, distilled communal piss in jars, brass sprayer
41.5 x 59 x 29.5 in
Text, tape, brass pipe, fishing line
12 x 2 x 6 in
Acrylic on glass, magazine clippings and printed photos, dried bacteria and yeast, living aspergillus oryzae on preserved plant and fungus, minerals and various materials, dried rye flour from distillation process, various bottles with tinctures of abortifacient and poisonous plants, pipette, propolis, bronze pessary with an image of silphium
35.5 x 59 x 29.5 in