The family within the state; the state within the family—how power is exerted onto and transmitted through bodies—OR how I learned to give and receive love and my recursive attempts to feel loved, 2018
GIF file, inkjet prints
Installation dimensions variable
Koch snowflake, Koch curve GIF by Leofun01 from Wikimedia Commons
The reiterative action of trauma: my trauma produces your trauma, which produces my trauma, which produces your trauma—Oh no, my rage looks just like my dad’s!, 2018
GIF file, inkjet prints
Installation dimensions variable
Sierpinski Triangle (10 Level) GIF by Lance Skelly from GrabCad Community
Capitalism can co-opt any dissidence: I guess I’m capitalizing off of this too, 2018
GIF file, inkjet prints
Installation dimensions variable
Visual Performance Spinning GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski via Giphy
We share the same identity, experience the same traumas, and are being valued the same at this moment, but right now the amount of trauma I feel is 0.1 more than yours, 2018
GIF file, inkjet prints
Installation dimensions variable
Simulation Chaos GIF by Wolfram Research via Giphy