Commonwealth and Council

I am Ann

LAMOA DS #3 presents: Michael Zahn


Using hand gestures of a three-part children’s game, Michael Zahn presents a constellation of sculptural thoughts on visual and linguistic impressions, in-jokes, and slips of tongue. This is the last of three LAMOA DS#3 exhibitions organized by Ana Iwataki in 2017. 

Michael Zahn (b. 1982, Toronto; lives and works in Los Angeles) received his MFA from Art Center College of Design in 2013. He has most recently exhibited at Treignac Projet, The Summer Room, Bel Ami, Shanaynay, 356 Mission, and Office Hours.  

Los Angeles Museum of Art (LAMOA), an experimental exhibition space founded by Alice Könitz in 2012, is a “platform for an organic institution that lives through participation.” LAMOA was featured in the Hammer Museum's “Made in L.A. 2014” and won the Mohn Award for artistic excellence. Brian Khek's "Consolidated Blue Gum” is the sixth exhibition in LAMOA DS#3 at Commonwealth and Council.