“Le bien commun” is a diorama, or a series of them. It is a rehearsal on a stage, or a maquette of one, to test and advance Kim Farkas’s construction of an autonomous and total system that slips on the roles of industry, decor, and sculpture. We’ll find here elusive images and references: a 3D model of a de-Chirico-scape, the skull of the Alien, laugh of the Medusa, Jenny’s smile. On the boundaries of craft, painting, design, and architecture, Farkas makes biomorphic objects that build upon existing ones. Forms and references reappear, functioning not for their own sake, but the completion of this system, of a cosmology. For the greater good, or “le bien commun." The commonwealth. "Le bien commun" is the first of three LAMOA DS#3 exhibitions organized by Ana Iwataki in 2017.
Kim Farkas (b. 1988, Paris, France; lives and works in Paris, France) has recently exhibited at Paris Internationale (Paris), Shanaynay (Paris), Mortadelle (Arles), Doc (Paris), Les Abords (Brest), and Immanence (Paris). Farkas co-founded the publishing house Holoholo in 2012 and received his MFA from the École Nationale des Beaux Arts de Paris in 2014.
Los Angeles Museum of Art (LAMOA), an experimental exhibition space founded by Alice Könitz in 2012, is a “platform for an organic institution that lives through participation.” LAMOA was featured in the Hammer Museum's “Made in L.A. 2014” and won the Mohn Award for artistic excellence. Kim Farkas’s “Le bien commun” is the fifth exhibition in LAMOA DS#3 at Commonwealth and Council.