Commonwealth and Council

Ramen Blues

Sojung Kwon


In an ode to ramen, the instant noodle version, Sojung Kwon celebrates this seasonless comfort food with drawings of the assorted varietals. 

Kwon searches for signification in the mundane and ordinary i.e., evasive verbiage and technical writing printed on ramen packaging or closing sentiments expressed in plethoras of emails, spam or “real.” In another suite of drawings, Kwon chronicles the repetition of common sentiments expressed in a year’s worth of emails signed by friends, acquaintances, and strangers onto a blank calendar template by date of receipt. In an invisible grid of twelve months, Kwon tabulates each day with the presence/absence of a single word like wish, best, soon, or love.

 Born in Seoul, Korea, Sojung Kwon received her BFA and MFA in Sculpture from Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, and received her second MFA from Otis School of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA. Her work has been included in venues such as Seoul Municipal Museum, Seoul, Korea; Barnsdall Art Park, Los Angeles, CA; Insa Art Space, Seoul, Korea; Kunstvlaai Exhibition, Amsterdam; The Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV; Dumbo Festival, New York, NY; S1F gallery, Los Angeles, CA; Machine Project, Los Angeles, CA; Angels Gate Cultural Center, San Pedro, CA; Gallery Dam, Seoul, Korea; Pawnshop Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; and The Tahoe Gallery at Sierra Nevada College, NV. She attended artist residencies at MacDowell Colony, NH; Sandberg Institute Exchange Program, Amsterdam; and Can Serrat, Barcelona. She currently lives and works in Los Angeles.