Inkjet prints, construction paper, foamcore
Diptych: 36 x 24 in ea
HD video, color, sound, 11 min 15 sec
Edition of 3 + 1 AP
K’NEX, Habitrail tubes, popsicle sticks, foam sheets, ceramic 3D print figurines, electrical wire, electrical tape, dental floss, hemp, duck tape, wood, inkjet prints, cardboard, construction paper, foamcore, fabric, folding table
2 parts: Approx. 68.5 x 156 x 152 in; 77 x 48 x 24 in
Mouth blown glass, wood, vinyl tubing, fecal matter, condom, ass-wipe, rocks, sand, charcoal, filtered water, corks, Prehnite with Epidote crystal, Blue Calcite crystal, Smoky Quartz crystal, refrigerator, inkjet prints, cardboard, construction paper, foamcore, fabric, folding table
2 parts: Approx. 64 x 275 x 21 in; 77 x 48 x 24 in